Business owner insurance

What is business owner insurance?

Whether you’re starting out or looking for ways to grow your business, business owner insurance can help you protect yourself, your partners and employees and your family.

In the early stages of your business, we can help you create a plan to keep your business running and your cash flow consistent. This way, you can remain on track even if you lose a key member of your team. Or if you suddenly need cash for a buy-sell agreement if a partner dies.

What happens when it’s time to tap into assets to help pay for your retirement, wrap up your business or pass it down? Our estate planning professionals can help you plan for a tax-efficient transfer. And in between, we can help you protect yourself, your family and your employees with life, health and disability insurance.

An advisor can take the time to understand your specific business situation and find the right coverage to safeguard your success.

  • Think about insurance for business owners if:
  • You and your family rely on your business for your main source of income.
  • You want to give your employees the benefit of health or life insurance.
  • You want a business planning strategy that will help protect your business by protecting key people in it.
  • You want to make sure there will be money to fund a buy-sell agreement if you or one of your business partners die.
  • You’re looking for assets to use as security for a business loan.
  • You want to minimize your tax bill when drawing on corporate assets during retirement.
  • You want to minimize your tax bill when passing your assets along to your heirs as part of your estate.

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